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#Review: Dangerous Earth by Ellen Prager

Dangerous Earth
Author: Ellen Prager
Publisher: Harper Collins In
Rating: 4.5/5

We are and should be forever grateful to the planet which helps us thrive. Earth is beautiful. More so, it is selfless in providing resources to mankind. But man is selfish. Most of his actions are uncalled for and those actions impact the planet negatively. We have been listening to news about the deteriorating aftermath of climate change. We have been witnessing the same too. But are we taking any precautions to combat these fatal changes? Are we bothered by the extinction of species and disruption of food webs? We aren’t. Those who are, are doing their bit and spreading awareness. Dangerous Earth is another such attempt at making the readers realise how beastly and beautiful the natural phenomenon can be!

Ellen Prager describes volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes in detail. He also draws a parallel between the after-effects of these natural disasters in the presence of climate change. Coral bleaching, excessive pollution, deforestation, the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere and urbanisation are leading to catastrophic effects on nature. This book shows the readers the wild and dangerous side of our planet, which, when harmed, can leave no stone unturned in turning mankind into mere specs of dust. He explores the mysterious events that have laid the foundation of most natural disasters. He also delves deeper into the question that remains unanswered and the reason why predictions are never foolproof.

Dangerous Earth is well-researched and has been presented in an interesting way. There are pictures to support the claims and there is factual data that rings the alarming bells. There’s so much we do not know and there’s so much we assume would get better with time. Only if ‘ignorance is bliss’ was true, would our planet be happier and healthier!

Buy this book here: Amazon

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