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lang="en-GB"> Book Review: Jim Morgan And The Seven Sins by Bharat Madan – Lavender Orchids
Lavender Orchids

Book Review: Jim Morgan And The Seven Sins by Bharat Madan

Jim Morgan And The Seven Sins

Author: Bharat Madan
Publisher: Notion Press
Rating: 3.5/5

Stephen King once said that good books do not give away their secrets at once. And ‘Jim Morgan and the seven sins’ can be put in this category, for it tickles the neurons so much so that the intrigue and suspense make you do a double-take. This book is a potboiler. It offers an amalgamation of mystery, thrill, contentment and fantasy. Unlike the mushy love tales that sell like hot cakes in the market, the plot of this book offers a different perception to the readers.

‘Jim Morgan and the seven sins’ is about Jim, who is a best-selling author of 6 novels. The story begins with his conversation with God. God makes him the part of an accord that if he is able to find out the seven sins he committed in his past life in seven days, he might not rot in hell. The ticking clock and the fervent Jim, both take the pages of the book further as our protagonist tries to reconnect the scattered dots through all his previous books.

With simple and apprehensible narration and fast-paced storyline, the author has presented a good book. It takes a lot of vivid thinking and imagination to pen down a fantasy. The characterization is perfect but the idiom ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’ fits best here because the abrupt introductions to so many characters were baffling. The connectivity was lost. The title points out to an inscrutable story and that is what helps in building the curiosity. The blurb is apt and the typesetting and font are also fine. Barring few grammatical errors and typos, the story is worth a read. But the errors came as a disappointment as such good story should have been proofread once before publishing.

Overall, a good plot and great work of fiction!

Best wishes to the author!

Buying Link: Amazon

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