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lang="en-GB"> Book Review: Love to Hurt You by Rahul Saini – Lavender Orchids
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Book Review: Love to Hurt You by Rahul Saini

Love to Hurt You
Author: Rahul Saini
Publisher: Juggernaut Publishers
Rating: 3/5

Rahul Saini’s stories are definitely upbeat and fast-paced. That’s what makes them delectable for the readers. One common feature in all his stories is the philosophical aspect that tags along with the narrative and makes the story even more meaningful. Love to Hurt You has an amalgamation of philosophy and brutality yet it might be liked by the ones who prefer reading erotica interspersed with empathy and vulnerability.

Love to Hurt You is a twisted tale of love, lust, revenge and escapism. While the three protagonists battle with their conflicted mindsets, the story progresses in different directions only to converge and bring these personalities together. Grieving her aching past, Sasha finds solace in inflicting pain upon other men who drool over her beauty and only desire her for those moments of physical pleasure. Garun, quite contradictory to his name, is a man with big dreams and he believes in taking the shortest route to success. Compromising morals and ethics is natural for him. Maya, the broken writer, is the meekest character who tries to forego the memories of her dead lover and latches onto unanticipated happiness. The plot seems quite simple. However, the narration, at times, becomes drab and predictable. Another drawback that I couldn’t help ignore is the misleading blurb. Without the hint of erotic content in the book, when I sat down to read, my mind didn’t quite enjoy the explicit conversations among the characters. Honestly, I had picked the book knowing that the author likes writing about contemporary fiction. But this change of genre or rather premise didn’t quite suit my interest. Nevertheless, I give full marks for the creative liberty and the audacity to experiment with the story. The characters are comfortable in their own skin and that’s a masterstroke for the author.

There are some proofreading errors too (excuse me for being a Grammar Goblin). I still do not understand the need for Sasha’s character in the story. But yes, the connection between Maya and Garun was palatable to a significant extent. Overall, Love to Hurt You is a story that might leave you disgusted by the mindset of the characters and will definitely make you question the power of the mind and the vulnerability of the heart to succumb to the situations of life.

Best wishes to the author!

Buy the book from here: Amazon

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