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#Review: Organic Emotions by Lali A. Love

Organic Emotions
Poet: Lali A. love
Publisher: Ravens and Roses
Rating: 4/5

Human Brain is a complex organ. With that being said, it’s equally right to call the external and internal stressors as villains that leave no stone unturned in making the processing inside this complex organ even more troublesome. Through Organic Emotions, the poet, Lali A. Love, brings out the essence of having a clear perspective and being open to accepting our organic emotions as and when they appear. This collection of poems has been divided into four sections- State of Mind, Emotional Vortex, Clarity and Purity. Below is the breakdown of takeaways from each of these sections:

A beautiful and sometimes, euphemistic, way to look at all the negative facets of life with a clear lens, the first section deals with the stressful components like separation, heartbreak, malicious heart and broken relationships. Drawing analogies with the smallest particle present in the universe, this set of poems is a complex blend in the intellectual cosmos. It’s interesting and also introspective when you read lines like ‘the sorrow may induce healing and the therapy may provoke pain’. It’s truer than true how we sabotage our mind’s health by considering pain as our enemy. What we don’t understand is that it’s as organic as it can be. It’s an emotion and to embrace it is what can heal us holistically! The other poems like Existence and Limiting Beliefs further throw light upon the purpose of thriving in this beautiful world. Wallowing in disgrace and shame would do no good. ‘I acknowledge the pain I’ve been holding; I know, the comfort of decay will hurt when I’ll let go’- this is the line that had me wondering about my escape mechanism. Isn’t it true for most of us that we find relief in the oblivion, knowing fairly well when the façade will fade, pain would enter our life forcefully!

The mind houses dark spiritual forces that the poet addresses as obstructions. These obstructions, like the black hole of mortal mentality, suck in the positivity that our mind exudes. Gradually, we succumb into the limbo of trauma, that’s another portal for restricted emotions. In this section, it is interesting to read about our chaotic mind that becomes a victim and restricts emotions as a coping mechanism. It is in the second section that I found myself a little lost in the ambiguity of the titles. I could not resonate with the thought process of the poet and that infuriated me. I tried re-reading the poems but, somewhere, I couldn’t just relate.

Now, the third section offers enough hope. Compassion and kindness are the key ingredients for a happy mind and a happy individual. Hence, the poet expresses her desire for mankind to be compassionate and kind through this verse- ‘The generous bounty is abundance in action,…, through random acts of kindness’. Through the acts of love, generosity, reciprocity, exercising free will, observing the minutest and the most insignificant detail, being willing to accept ourselves in the rawest form and bringing forth the courage that lies hidden within the cage in our mind, it is possible to attain clarity of mind. This would probably pave a path for a purer mind too. This section is enlightening. It’s motivating as well as retrospective!

When the purity of the mind prevails, everything can be seen with rose-tinted glasses. Life seems beautiful and becomes beautiful too. The last section of the book emphasizes the fact that we are all born of love that’s innocent and whole; hence, it is imperative to ‘align’ with the universe and exercise compassion to ensure that we thrive in a paradise. This section all has some inspiring lines that make you reflect about your experience of being in flesh and blood on this Earth.

The four stages of nurturing organic emotions are the main steps for reviving an ailing mind. Organic Emotions is raw and a little complex yet true and relatable. The poet’s insight into the functioning of our mind and how that relates to the functioning of the body and spirit is commendable. It’s an interesting book that needs time and apt pace to be devoured.

Best wishes to the poet!

Buy this book here: Amazon

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