#Review: Taatung Tatung by Vaishali Shroff
Taatung Tatung
Author: Vaishali Shroff
Publisher: Penguinsters
Language is not only the garment of the soul but also a connecting link between two different specie. Language, be it of any origin, plays a crucial role in expression and comprehension. Hence, when you get a chance to read about various languages of Indian origins through stories that are surprising as well as startling, you do not say ‘no’. Taatung Tatung is brilliant in how it helps young learners (adults as well) know about languages like Nepali, Banga, Assamese, etc.
Taatung Tatung might just be like talking to the birds but the titular story holds so much history and evolution. Other stories are also short, comprehensible and written with an attempt to educate and not inform. The content is engrossing as each story introduces us to characters from the past who were not only audacious but also had the vigour to explore and venture into unknown territories.
Taatung Tatung is recommended for all young learners and learning about linguistic diversity would only enable them to widen their perspective about India and its multi-faceted beauty.
Best wishes to the author!
Buying link: Amazon