Book Review: The Untold Tales by Paras Binny
The Untold Tales: Love and Other Demons
Author: Paras Binny
Publisher: Lab Academia Publishers
Rating: 3/5
It has been very well said that adversity makes men while prosperity makes monsters. Based on a similar theme, ‘The Untold Tales’ is a collection of short stories that bring out the best and the worst in humans more by choice than by accident. As long as men are taking the dose of happiness and comfort, the monster remains dormant but the moment circumstances change, the monster is unleashed. Right from thoughts to actions, everything changes. Thus, these stories have the calibre to make the readers do a double-take!
A perfect blend of emotions, actions and consequences, The Untold Tales narrates stories about men and women who are similar to you and me yet there is a hidden aspect to their personality that makes them different! Whether it is Sahiba, who reels under the trauma of physical abuse or a son who battles with the stress of financial and physical burden- each character seems to be caught in a whirlpool of problems. While some let their negative side take an upper hand, the others make it through with their sanity intact. The plus points about these stories are the unprecedented climax and the crisp narrative. Even though the writing style is quite elementary with no new idioms or phrases to challenge the reading buds, the stories do leave a lasting impression. However, what failed to impress me was the editing. There are grammatical errors and typing mistakes too.
Overall, The Untold Tales is a short read that gives a peek into the darkest fears of humans and also illustrates the power of love and sanity.
Best wishes to the author!
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