Adios 2019!
Keeping my promise of making this an annual ritual of reflecting upon the year that has already passed and setting achievable goals for the new year, here is my review of 2019.

Even though I welcomed this year with open arms, the year didn’t seem to reciprocate the same feelings for me. The crests and troughs became so frequent that it needed a lot of patience and wisdom (drawn from the experience of my elders) to sail safely in the boat without allowing it to topple over. I wouldn’t deny that spring was quite enthralling in terms of travelling and professional success. But come summer, the peace unhinged from my life! Battling with stress because of the medical emergency in the family, I tried juggling between life and responsibilities but that was not all.
Come autumn, the professional front witnessed a rise with several of my articles finding a place in Woman’s Era and other reputed magazines. Even the vocation was going well. Still travel prospects were close to zero because of lack of leaves. Winter brought in joy when my best friend got married and I had a chance to meet up with other friends as well. Bonds became stronger and friendship flourished. Come December, the workload increased. But the resolute mind refused to give up that easily. I planned for a trek and executed it successfully- sealing the New Year with adventure and contentment.
Nevertheless, the most awaited moment was the last few minutes before the clock struck 12 on 31st night. I was happy that 2019 had ended. Even though the year was a mixed bag of emotions, I learnt many new lessons. No doubt that this year was a year of patience, testing limits and striving to find happiness in the littlest of things. Here are a few things I learnt in 2019:
- My voice matters and so I need to honour the truth that lies within me by voicing out my opinion
- I cannot possibly please everyone
- Sacrifice does not lead to happiness
- Solitude and loneliness are entirely different concepts
- Setting targets only at the job front isn’t going to make you happy. Setting targets to fulfil your dream/ passion is going to make you feel satisfied
- Friends are few but they should be true. They stick with you through the thick and thin
- An effort made even by a single individual can make a difference
- There are three evils present in everyone’s mind- the 3S- superstition, stereotypes and societal pressure
- Do not share every detail of your life with others
Filling my heart with the honeyed memories of the year and embracing the harsh realities, I think I am ready to move on and give myself a chance to conquer the new year. I am sure that with the support of my loved ones, I will sail forth with new zest and zeal!
Thank you, everyone, who directly or indirectly became a part of my life last year. Be it your words of encouragement, your criticism, your love or your anger- every emotion, every role and every aspect of your personality has moulded me into a stronger person than before. Last but not the least; I would like to thank all the readers of Lavender Orchids who have been the buoyant force for me throughout and helped me become a better person, a better writer and a more confident person.
Dear 2019,
I am ready to bid you farewell.