#Review: The Maze of Mirrors by Sonia Chauhan
This Maze of Mirrors Author: Sonia Chauhan Publisher: Self-published Rating: 3/5
I have read Sonia’s work before and it would be just right to appreciate her for her insightful plotting that covers both the extremes of the social spectrum. The writing is mostly entertaining and it leaves behind a lingering flavour. In her new book, This Maze of Mirrors, she deftly touches upon the themes of relationships, the fragile thread that holds them, the silent sacrifice and iron-willed tolerance of a woman, the tumultuous task of combating problems and moving on and the labyrinth that life is!
It is true how life throws a googly (often) in the form of stressful relationships and overbearing partners. Mrinalini was no different. With an alcoholic Shatrujeet as her spouse, she had no shoulder to cry on. It was her daughter, Mridu, who often came to provide her comfort. But then a mother’s heart, if heavy with sorrow and unfulfilled desires, is capable of renouncing all the happiness when hopelessness dawns upon it. Mrinalini, desperate to safeguard the future of her daughter, makes umpteen number of attempts to send her away from the gloomy ambience of their house. Yet Mridu takes the reins of her life in her own hands and one decision of hers changes the course of everyone’s life.
It is said that distance and silence often act as the best teachers and Mridu’s departure to an unknown place and her silence help the characters of this short story come to terms with their life and its nuances. Each character is able to find their way out of the maze of mirrors and eventually, accept their fate as it is. With taut narrative and entertaining premise, the author successfully accomplishes the task of getting the necessary attention of the readers. It is the ending that doesn’t suffice love’s sad satiety (Percy Shelley). Again, the literary techniques were missing; a bit of foreshadowing would have helped. The direct dialogues and the intention of conveying everything through words didn’t impress me. Moreover, another round of proofreading would have helped.
Overall, Sonia has, yet again, presented a story that’s worth retrospecting. Please give this book a try. Bonus: It’s a short read.
Best wishes to the author!
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