Aleph Book Company,  Book Reviews

Book Review: A Time Outside This Time by Amitava Kumar

A Time Outside This Time
Author: Amitava Kumar
Publisher: Aleph Book Company
Rating: 4/5

A Time Outside This Time is an intelligent display of linking the events in real life with the threads of imagination only to present a potpourri of information mixed with satire and truth! The story pans around the lives of people who reeled under the aftermath of the pandemic. Using the fictional character of Satya, the author tries to allude to the prevailing circumstances in the world. Sadly, the references made by Satya allude to people, places and situations that seem like a far cry from reality.

The plot is taut. Satya deftly expresses his displeasure with the elections, mob mentality and the false pretence of people in the name of patriotism. His dialogues have been well-sought and at times, they hit the right chord.

Overall, A Time Outside This Time is an interesting take on the post-pandemic world and provides an unintended analysis of the actions, decisions and responses to the call-for-action situations.

Best wishes to the author!

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