Book Review: The Lifestyle Diet by Dr Rohini Patil
The Lifestyle Diet
Author: Dr Rohini Patil
Publisher: Haper Collins
Rating: 3/5
The Lifestyle Diet by Dr Rohini Patil is a self-help book that collates the experience and expertise of Dr Rohini Patil in form of a DIY guide to help one lose weight and come out of the limbo of the sedentary lifestyle. With proper planning, a consistent approach towards portion control and developing habits of gratitude and mental peace acquisition, each individual can become healthy without being caught in the web of fad diets and misleading advertisements.
The Lifestyle Diet is a comprehensive guide that has been divided into three sections. The first section highlights the importance of understanding one’s body and brain. The connection between the two helps in deciphering the mystery of digestion and absorption. The second section provides tips and tricks to target certain issues that develop with age and exposure to climatic conditions. The last section deals with recipes and their benefits.
Overall, The Lifestyle Diet is like old wine in a new bottle. The layout of the text is enticing yet the content is not new. However, if this is the first self-help book that one opts for, it is going to prove quite useful.
Best wishes to the author!
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