Book Review: And We Walked Away by Subrat Saurabh
And We Walked Away
Author: Subrat Saurabh
Publisher: NotionPress Publishers
Rating: 3/5
It has been rightly said that love is like a buzz, everyone talks about it, but no one truly knows. Though it is beautiful, yet it is difficult to understand the hostile side of it. Often we forget our real selves in the quest to find true love. ‘And We Walked Away’ is a mushy love tale that serves drama in the right portions.
The story revolves around Abhimanyu, who is an acclaimed author and Naina, who has her roots hinged to the values imparted by her elders. With a clichéd plot and overworked narrative that shifts between the past and the present, the story fails to strike the right chord. It lacks flavour. The only aspect to look forward to is the smooth sequencing of scenes, albeit they are predictable.
Abhimanyu’s jaunty and impudent nature is unlikeable. Naina, though her arguments sound irrational in the beginning, proves out to be more judicious than the hero of the story. Amidst arrogance, ignorance and love, the story progresses only to give us a happily-ever-after in the end.
There is no doubt that the narration is simple and understandable, but the use of too many contractions and colloquial language acts as a turn-off. With almost nothing to ponder upon and absence of freshly brewed content, this story is a setback. The grammatical errors can irk the readers. Even the blurb is composed of sentences that are either incomplete or incorrect.
Apparently, it is the need of the hour for all the aspiring authors to think out of the box and write on something other than college romance before the genre becomes redundant.
Overall, the narration type is definitely not my cup of tea but it may be liked by new readers or by those who are on the lookout for short- light romance.
Best wishes to the author!
Buying Link: Amazon