#Review: Calcutta on Your Plate by Nilosree Biswas
Calcutta on Your Plate
Author: Nilosree Biswas
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Rating: 4/5
Doesn’t your mouth begin drooling upon smelling the delicious Roshogullas somewhere nearby? If it does, then I’m sure Mishti Doi, too, cannot help your taste buds from becoming super excited. Calcutta on Your Plate explores Bengali cuisine, from savoury desserts to quintessential fish curry with plain rice or aar. Every food item that’s prepared with love and attention to detail has a story that dates back several decades back when Kolkata was Calcutta. The British were keen on reconnoitring the eastern parts of India looking for better opportunities. One such opportunity was that of growing tea in Darjeeling and parts of Calcutta and globalizing the market.
Laced with such interesting and sumptuous details about how the food came into being and how most of the delicacies that were prominent then are still revered and regarded form the crux of Calcutta on Your Plate. Did you know that an exclusive cook boat was a privilege for British travellers but both the Indians and the British were supposed to eat food cooked by the boatman’s aide? Hence, this book, loaded with stories that will evoke respect and change your perspective towards Bengali cordon bleu cooks, will surely be liked by all food lovers.
Go for it if you relish reading about what’s on your plate!
Best wishes to the author!
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