Book Review: I Think You’re on Mute by Ellie Ross
I Think Your’re on Mute
Author: Ellie Ross
Publisher: Bonnier Books (UK)
Stuck in the house, glaring at the webcam for hours and trying to earn the bread by working from home, each one of us has experienced the frustration of socializing virtually and spending umpteen hours working like machines. I Think You’re on Mute comes like a breath of fresh air because it promises to provide solutions to all the uncanny questions that make the susurration of our brain even louder.
Divided into four sections: work, personal, online dating and social media, this book has intelligent and witty replies to some of the most common questions like Is it rude to leave a Whatsapp group?, Can I have my phone on loud?, What is a suitable Zoom background?, etc. The author warns the readers to read this guide with an open mind, for it is loaded with satire and irony. It answers what’s quite obvious. It answers honestly and the truth generally doesn’t go down well with many!
I just loved the concept of this book. It’s short and fun to read. Go for it!
Best wishes to the author!
Buy this book from here: Amazon