Book Review: The Diwali Party by Leena Saldanha
The Diwali Party
Author: Leena Saldanha
Publisher: Leadstart Publishers
Rating: 3/5
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” — Amy Poehler
The Diwali Party is quite literally a joy ride on which four women in their thirties embark. Rekha, Maya, Tilly and Zoya- the four pillars of friendship! These four women, while being caught up in the whirlpool of life and its nuances, decide to relive the precious moments they had spent when young. Hence, they decide to gather and group to gloat over their new-found energy and enthusiasm.
The story is fast-paced but at times, it becomes drab. Probably another round of proofreading would have avoided this. The characters have been nicely crafted and each one’s story is poignant to the core. There are lessons that these adults learn upon reuniting with their young soul and then there are truths that are revealed that also open a huge can of worms. Acceptance and self-respect is something that the character learn along the way. Even though the story is often predictable and there are no nerve-wracking cliffhangers or plot twists, it is a pleasurable read. It’s light and breezy.
Overall, The Diwali Party falls under light fiction with an easy narrative and good flow.
Best wishes to the author!
Buying link: Amazon