#Review: The Secret of Plants in the Environment by Rishikesh Upadhyay
The Secret of Plants in the Environment
Author: Rishikesh Upadhyay
Publisher: Notion Press
Rating: 4/5
For the first time, I got a chance to read and review academic writing and I must say that I totally enjoyed it because of its conciseness and relevance. With the theme of this year’s Environment Day being ‘Save Soil’, this book is just the need of the hour for all the early birds who are still trying to figure out their way out of the comfort bubble. Extensively researched and well-articulated, this book highlights the importance of plants by educating the reader about various adversities that the plants face and providing pragmatic solutions for these problems.
Since I’m from a Biotechnology background, I guess it was easier for me to grasp the information faster. But plus points to the author for explaining in extra plain language so that the book caters to individuals of varying intelligence. Topics like effects of heavy metal stress, pollution, water logging, freezing and effects of heat and drought are some of the chapters that might interest many because these problems are not uncommon. More technical chapters like Effects of Magnetic Field and Mechanosensing in Plants need time as they require some amount of prior knowledge. There are some proofreading errors that can mar the reading experience though!
Even though the book is quite useful in terms of the content and accuracy, I am still confused about the target audience. If the TA is school-going children, they wouldn’t care to buy this book because they’d already have a prescribed text. If it’s for the degree students (like the blurb says), the chances of this book becoming their go-to option are still quite low. The lack of publicity is what baffles me! Probably, a good marketing strategy would come in handy because I can say one thing for sure that The Secret of Plants in the Environment has potential!
Best wishes to the author!
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