Book Review: The Stranger in the Mirror by Rakeysh O. Mehra & Reeta R. Gupta
The Stranger in the Mirror
Author: Raleysh Omprakash Mehra & Reeta Ramamurthy Gupta
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Rating: 5/5
It’s rare for me to enjoy an autobiography till the very end even if it is about a very famous person. There are two reasons why autobiographies fail to hold my attention for long- one, they are loquacious and two, they are lacklustre. The Stranger in the Mirror, however, is quite the opposite, for it not only shares interesting stories of the multi-faceted Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra but also collates anecdotes from various people, belonging to different spheres of life, who have had a varied equation with the man himself.
Laced with eloquent narrative and immaculate presentation, The Stranger in the Mirror uses subtle illeism to bring forth the true disposition of Rakeysh Mehra. Known for his bold approach in the films like Delhi 6, Rang De Basanti, Aks, Mere Pyare Prime Minister, Rakeysh Mehra has been know to be ‘an explorer- a great explorer’ who never questioned a new route to his destination. Always an eager beaver to try out different things, he seldom jumped on the bandwagon because he knew that the wave would soon crash!
An eminent director/ filmmaker/ screenwriter, Rakeysh Mehra’s approach of showing the viewers the mirror on the wall and giving them an opportunity for their tête-à-tête in earshot is commendable. Breaking the barriers of stereotypical romance and cliched plots, his films brought the essence of being oneself and accepting others with peace and an open mind. Reading this book is like assembling the pieces of a jigsaw that eventually reveal the complete picture. Like his movies, the book, too, has multiperspective. Embedded with images that bring out his humble and genuine younger days, another brownie point in this autobiography is the presence of QR codes that take you to the audio-visual aid and help you relate better and enhance the overall experience. The illustrations are beautiful and the overall layout doesn’t let you forget that you’re a part of Mehra’s cinematic universe.
The Stranger in the Mirror brings out the secularism that runs in the author’s blood. It is a bold yet completely believable account that invites the readers into the world of a man who doesn’t hesitate to call a spade a spade and who tries to bring out the human imperfections in the most perfect way!
Such an interesting book!
Best wishes!
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