Book Review: Wildcard 2 by Asfiya Rahman
Wildcard 2
Author: Asfiya Rahman
Publisher: Half Baked Beans
Rating: 3/5

It is believed that opportunity knocks but only once. If one knows how to turn the odds in their favour, one can leap on the opportunity and do something profitable. Wildcard 2 is a sequel to Wildcard that retells the story of passion, determination and belief in self. If you haven’t read the first book, you won’t lose the plot, for the author provides a brief summary of the events in the beginning.
The story continues from where it was left in the previous book. While Karan basks in the glory of his recent win in the Wimbledon, Tahira, his helping hand, struggles to come to grips with the fact that her skills need to be honed if she wishes to be on the court rather than stand and cheer for others. After much deliberation, she decides to request Karan to coach her. In the process of learning, cupid strikes her heart and she starts falling for Vikram. But the battle between her heart and her mind leaves her as weak as a kitten.
The realistic element of this story is its climax because it is not an implausible reality. The story capitalizes on the importance of the spark that pushes you towards success. It stresses on the fact that ‘only’ effort is not enough. The desperation to win is equally important. Tahira’s muddled mind often leaves her on a juncture from where deciding the right course of action becomes difficult. This makes her character quite relatable. Karan’s pragmatic approach towards life and his genteel personality leaves a lasting impression. Vikram’s suave and snobby nature also fits the bill.
However, the editing of the book disappointed me. There are plenty of grammatical errors. More attention on the proofreading would have helped this book pass the muster.
Overall, an interesting plot and gripping narrative make this book quite enjoyable.
Best wishes to the author!
Buying link: Amazon

One Comment
Thank you for the review. I’m glad you liked the book.