#TheBlindList : A Blind Date with the Stranger!
I was lying asleep in my fool’s paradise when a sudden thud and a loud knock woke me up from the slumber. I pushed the silken curtain aside and saw; the black silhouette seemed familiar. It was my Mountain of Stress. His huge brown built scared me a little but his half-rolled moustache sent across positive vibes. He had come to let me go! He wanted me to meet his friends that were taller and greener. He wanted me to go on a blind date with the world!
I brushed the thought of questioning him repeatedly, for the desire to leave behind the urban chaotic life overpowered the fear of travelling with total strangers. And then he finally spoke. ‘You’ll have my nieces- the trees- accompanying you throughout your journey. You will meet rivers and waterfalls. They are all very cordial!’ Sceptical about my decision first, I decided to go with the flow and leave My Mountain of Stress alone for a while. I started counting hours and then minutes to finally reach into the lap of nature.
The sumptuous aroma all around and the sound of chanting of the Buddhist mantra gave me the much-required peace of mind. With opulent landscapes, my trip to Sikkim was magical. My Mountain of Stress was right! For once, he had let me free and given me a chance to get rid of him. I will not say that I hated him completely. Most of my deadlines were met because he was by my side. But then he took away my ‘me time’. The journey to the garden of war was an exhilarating experience! To add on to the my date, I met so many other fanciful beings too! My companions for this trip were the mushy Rhododendrons, exquisite river waters and cottony snow-clad mountains (My Mountain of Stress’ uncles, I guess). They were a treat for my sore eyes.
The valley nuzzled between the snow-covered peaks of Sikkim was my venue. Gathering the pleats of my favourite silk dress that I had kept aside for long to meet the one I love, I applied minimal make-up and clipped my hair back from my face into a chignon. I waited for my escort. After a wait time of 30 minutes, a ravishing Oak took my hand in his and walked me to a superfluous dine out. The place was lovely, dark and green. The stars (I assumed them to be the chandeliers) shimmered their glow on my face, the scent of the flowers filled the ambience with romance and love! The setting was perfect. Nothing could go wrong. The fluttering in my stomach increased when my escort signalled in the direction from where my date would arrive soon! I ordered fresh and cool breeze for starters. And soon, my date arrived. He shined like a star. In fact, it took me no more than 10 seconds to realize that he was a star! Dressed in a bright yellow shirt that had a tinge of orange around the edges, he pressed his lips into a wide smile and greeted me with affection. The adrenaline rush was evident in my stare. Conscious of my gait and my manners, I wished him a very Good Morning. We sat down on the green carpet that had a colossal amount of red and purple. Oh yes! The Rhododendrons! I had completely forgotten about them.
With each ticking sound of the clock, the air grew colder. But my chivalrous date was not a step behind from showing every bit of courtesy and love. He offered me his heat cloak that helped me keep warm! The uncles never stopped watching us. But they did not have a scorn on their face. It felt like the Sun and I were destined to meet. There was a peculiar fire in his eyes that did not make me uncomfortable even for a second. I had never met someone so pure and unadulterated. I knew that very instance that we would click together!
When I returned to my mundane routine, I found that my Mountain of Stress had taken a back seat. I think he was annoyed because I did not miss him enough on my date. But I couldn’t have lied to him about this. Though he had sent me out to travel to explore, I had come back with an enriching experience. I had not forgotten him. But that’s what he thought. I let him be for a while, for I believed that often solitude brought out the best in us.
This #blinddate was a way to self-exploration. I had met some of the most humane and the most generous beings (the elements of nature) who are not easily found in metropolitan cities. They inspired me, infused my soul with love and left an indelible impact on my mind as well.
I am still in contact with the Sun. In fact, I meet him every day. But what solace and privacy we found in Sikkim, we haven’t found it again. We do greet each other and express our love. Nevertheless, we have promised to spend some ‘alone’ time together soon. I have even taken My Mountain of Stress’ permission and he has come to grips with the fact that I need the Sun more than him in my life. After all, love is what we all thrive on, isn’t it?
**This entry is in response to the #TheBlindList contest by Lufthansa Airlines. Click here and here for more information.
#TheBlindList #SayYesToTheWorld

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